Primary 2B Newsflash

Primary 2B Newsflash

This week primary 2B have been learning:


“We have been writing about toys from the past by making a list. We had to use a comma to make a list of toys.” – Brooke

“We have been reading non-fiction books in class.” – Hadia

“Non-fiction books are books that have real facts in them.” Jack

“We have been learning to play bingo in groups using our flashcards.” – Abbie



“We have been learning what odd and even numbers are.” – Evie

“Even numbers are numbers that have a partner. Odd numbers do not have a partner.” – Summer B

“We have been using Numicon to help us with our sums.” – Summer S

“Mrs Stewart was helping us to identify where numbers live on a 100 number square.” – Amy-Leigh



“In P.E we have been learning how to stay fit.” – Kesley


**Next Friday is……

A Jammie Jog Day – Friday 18th March for Sports Relief

£1 to wear your pyjamas to school and £1 to join in the jog.


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