All posts by Mrs Harrison

P6/5 News

It has been a few weeks since Primary 6/5 last posted to the blog, however the class have been very busy. This week started with the CAB Careers Conference for Primary Six pupils, where they had the opportunity to meet a variety of people and interview them about their job.  All of the pupils enjoyed meeting the invited guests and asked fantastic questions.  Hopefully they feel inspired to work hard throughout their education and strive to achieve their dream job!

Primary 6/5 went on their second class trip of the year on Tuesday to The Water of Leith Conservation Trust Centre to learn more about the Jacobites.  We were very grateful we went on Tuesday, rather than Thursday when storm Doris hit most of the country!

In the classroom, the children enjoyed looking at objects linked to the Jacobites, which included Muskets, wolves, Cockades and masks of key figures. The second part involved going outdoors to build shelters made from leaves and branches; and creating frieze frames in groups to demonstrate what life what like for the Jacobites camping in Edinburgh waiting on orders from Bonnie Prince Charlie.  The trip was exciting and a great experience for all.

Back in our P6/5 classroom, we have been concentrating on writing personal recounts of our experiences.  The writing in the classroom continues to develop well, with most children succeeding to producing extended pieces and trying hard to organise events into paragraphs.  I’m sure many of our parents and carers were pleased with our writing efforts when they looked at it during the Sharing the Learning session just before February break, and those who were unable to manage, will be surprised with their child’s effort and progress when they come along to parents consultations in March.  Big Talk homework is helping many pupils become more creative and confident in tackling Big Write on a weekly basis.

In Maths, each of the groups has been focusing on addition and encouraging pupils to discuss a range of strategies to use for solving problems.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!


News from P6/5

This week has been an interesting time, with only 16 pupils in the class! We waved the P6 and P7 pupils off to camp and wished them well. The smaller class hasn’t stopped the learning and we have been very busy.

In Maths, we have been learning to locate and plot specific co-ordinate points on a grid.  Many of the children discovered how maths is included in aspects of real life contexts, by playing against each other in Battleships.  The learning was fun but very competitive!

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We began creating items for our Make It Grow fund.  Further details will follow so please watch out for blog updates.

We watched an entertaining drama on the Gunpowder plot and linked it to today’s events that surround an opening ceremony in the Scottish Parliament.

The Scottish Parliament also helped inspire art work. We focused on the Scottish elements used in the building design and have started creating our own stain glass windows.

On Friday, Bathgate Fire Service visited the class to talk to us about the dangers of bonfires & fireworks. The fire service are encouraging everyone to attend organised Firework displays and avoid situations where inexperienced adults and teenagers are setting them off. Please encourage your child to wear gloves if handling sparklers, stand back behind barriers at organised displays and report any misuse of fireworks to an adult.  Please have fun everyone and stay safe at any Guy Fawkes celebrations this weekend 🙂

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News from P6/5

Welcome back after the October holidays.  Our week began with the pupils sharing their adventures and news. It was lovely to have them all come back to school safely after a week off.

The School Value for November

The word in school is RESPECT!

The class has been discussing the value of respect and what it means to us. We know respect means to be polite, show kindness and care about others, but agreed we now need to work on considering the words we say, the tone of voice we use and behaviour we demonstrate in the classroom and in all areas of the school.

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Topic for the Term

We reflected on learning about the rainforest. We were all amazed about the knowledge and skills we have gained.

Our new topic for this term is going to be The Scottish Parliament. Together the class planned a list of questions to investigate over the term. We would be delighted if parents and carers could talk more with us about the Scottish Parliament and how it works for Scotland.

Go Green, Go Wild

On Friday we held our Go Green , Go Wild dress up day.  We are pleased to announce we have raised £139.71 to help our great cause of saving and replanting trees in the rainforest.  The children in the school looked absolutely fantastic! Thank you to all the parents and carers for donating money and helping us play our part in being eco friendly.  We will up date the blog with information on the chosen charity very soon.

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Have a great weekend!


Please come to school on Friday 28th October dressed up as an animal or wear green to represent the trees and plants of a forest.

Deforestation of rainforests is happening now! Experts estimate that in less than 40 years, rainforests could disappear from our planet.  The pupils of Primary 6/5 and 5 would like to help save these unique places in our world, but they need your help! Planet Earth needs your help!

Dress up and bring a donation of £1 to school on Friday 28th October to help raise money for the people, who replant trees and save an acre of the rainforest.

Thank you for your support 🙂

P6/5 News Week beginning 10th October 2016

Thank you to all the parents and carers who were able to make our Rainforest assembly on Friday 14th October.  I’m sure you’ll agree, the children were fantastic!  Well done everyone!

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This week the children have been focusing on up level their writing, by using a wider range of connectives.  The children used some connectives when they wrote letters to persuade loggers to stop chopping down the trees. They are also looking forward to having a dress down day on Friday 28th October, themed GO GREEN, GO WILD DAY to raise money to help go towards saving and replanting trees in the rainforest.  Pupils can donate £1 and come to school dressed up like an animal or wear green to represent the trees and plants of the forests. A fun way to help the pupils of the school become more eco-friendly and make contributions to saving Planet Earth.

This week’s skill was ‘Remember’.

Our Skillionaires of the week: Katie Wilson and Caitlin McInytre.


We also had Callum Gibbs sharing a wider achievement at assembly.  Callum recently climbed Ben Nevis!  What an amazing achievement!


P5 children will be attending a Handball tournament on Wednesday 26th October.  Please ensure that all EE2 forms and permission slips are returned on the first day back after the holidays.

Have a great holiday 🙂

Learning in P6/5 Week beginning 3rd October

This week the class worked in problem solving partners to tackle more challenges using the strategies draw it out or trial and error. In the plenary we discussed the importance of reading and understanding the instructions.

In art we have been using pencil to draw Rainforest animals to add to our classroom display.

As part of our Rainforest topic we investigated food chains and discussed deforestation. We discovered positive and negative effects of deforestation; and are hoping to write about our own views. The children became quite passionate about the subject and had great ideas about working towards saving the rainforest. We hope you can make our assembly next week, where we are looking forward to sharing our knowledge about the rainforest.

We found many different food chains like:  leaf – worm – Toucan – Anaconda

In cursive handwriting we focused on capital I and J. We supported each other by peer assessing and recording two stars and a wish.  Next week we’re hoping to focus on capital K and L.

In Drama with Mr Richards, we played some fun games, which involved listening to clapping sounds.

The children have been interested in Hurricane Matthew this week and we have been watching the news to learn about the destruction it has caused.

Please come to our assembly on Friday 14th October.

Dean, Harris and Khizar helped contribute to this week’s class blog entry.

Learning on P6/5

This week’s learning has been challenging and interesting.

We began the week by learning how to write capital G and F in cursive.

On Wednesday Mrs Harrison was missing in action from the classroom (actually she was at a course all day :)) and Mrs Waugh took over to teach the class about living creatures in the rainforest.  The pupils work in groups to learn about the Rhinoceros Beetle, Toucan, Spider Monkey, and Jaguars.

Zac learnt that Toucans have a body length of 66.95cm approx (22 inches).  Their beak can be 19 centimetres long!

Callum McM learnt that the Jaguar is the third biggest cat in the feline family.  It stalks it prey in the rainforest.

In Maths the pupils participated in a mild, spicy and hot challenge based on following clues to find the right seat for Willy Wonka, James, Matilda, Sophie, Danny and Mrs Twit. The idea was to develop the use of the strategies: Act It Out or Draw it or Trial and Error. The problem solving was enjoyed by all and we are hoping to tackle more problems to be come more confidence.


In art, we looked at the body shapes of animals to learn how to draw detailed illustrations. Each person in the class drew an amazing pencil drawing of a toucan.  Next we are hoping to learn how to use tone and texture to shade our illustrations.

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We also have a pupil in our class, who we are enjoying getting to know.

Mrs Harrison was helped by Zac Wilson, Callum McMillan and Caitlin McIntyre to complete P6/5’s blog entry this week.

Learning in P6/5

Primary Six pupils had a music assessment this week. They were asked to sing in tune and clap in rhythm. Many of our Primary Six pupils are hoping to be selected to play a musical instrument.

In Mental Maths we have focused on developing the strategy of rounding to the nearest multiple of ten to add on or subtract a number, e.g. 49 + 11 or 76 + 9 =.  Dean thought this strategy was fun and Lara said it is an efficient strategy for solving problems.

On Thursday night, we had a Rookie Rockstars concert. We hope you enjoyed the concert and managed to order our CD.

In reading, we were learning about how to summarise a text. We learnt through reading about the rainforests, that tribal people harvest the plants and they help to keep the ecosystem healthy.

One of the challenges we completed this week was to make up an A-Z list of rainforest creatures.

On Wednesday afternoon, the pupils got to choose a careers masterclass to learn more about what it would be like to be in a specific job in the future. The jobs ranged from Archaeologist, Animal Welfare Inspector, an Engineer, Graphic Designer, Farming and Police Officer.  The main theme we gained from the masterclass is that we can be whatever we want to be!   We need to try hard to achieve our goals!




This week in Primary 6/5

The class have been learning about the riches of the Rainforest through reading. In pairs we had to read the text and find tricky vocabulary and information.

In class we have a challenge to Beat The Teacher. As a class we are working together to develop good listening skills.  Every time we are asked to listen and remain quiet, we earn point against the teacher.

Rookie Rockstars have been in school all week.  We have learnt songs about friendship and anti-bullying. In between songs, we had challenge time and question time. We liked watching Mrs Stewart sing with marshmallows in her mouth; and Mr Richards and Miss Moir rapping nursery rhymes. We are proud of our super star teachers 🙂 We are looking forward to listening to our CD and performing next Thursday in our school concert.

Our homework challenge was to find numbers in our local environment. We surprised at how many numbers we found. Lara, Katie W, Ellie and Nathan all earned a head teacher’s award for their amazing homework.  Well done!  I’m looking forward to this standard every week!

We hope you had a chance to look at our previous blog entries and like our class charter.

Please remember Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th September are holidays.

On Wednesday we are looking forward to taking part in careers masterclasses.


Celebrating Wider Achievements in P6/5


Owen Hannah from P6/5 shared a certificate today at assembly. During the summer, Owen had the chance to participate in an organised activity, which involved learning to use an air rifle to shoot at a target. Let’s see if Owen can hit all his targets this year in his learning! 😉

Well done Owen! Great achievement 🙂

Hopefully as the year progresses we’ll be able to share more wider achievements from Primary 6/5.