All posts by Mrs Harrison

Primary Seven News 25th January 2018

Learning highlights of the week:

Discussing mental maths strategies for division.

Our brains were literally bursting at the problems and the effort from all the children was great!  Lots of children fell deep down into our Learning Pit this week, but we are working hard to achieve and improve our skills. Being in the pit is keeping us motivated and helping us to learn from our mistakes!

In guided reading this week, we used an extract from Robert Westall book ‘Blitz’ to investigate figurative language. Hopefully over the next few weeks, we’ll use personification, metaphors and similes in our imaginative writing about World War Two events.

Reading our class novel, Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll.

We read aloud chapter one and we can’t wait to hear more!  Chapter One: Keep Calm and Carry On turned out to be a cliff hanger and left us asking so many questions about the events and people!


Primary Seven News

Highlights from our learning in P7

‘Letters from the Lighthouse’

This week Primary Seven were introduced to their new class novel, Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. We enjoyed working with our Talk Partners to predict and think up questions about the novel by making observations from the front cover.

Image result for letters from the lighthouse


We also used the first paragraph of the story to inspire a creative writing task and wrote the next two paragraphs in the same style as the author. The children had to consider using descriptive language for the setting and try to build the suspense to engage the reader.

Outdoor Learning

The snowy weather has caused great excitement in the classroom this week!  Trying to use every experience as a learning one, we headed outside to work on learning our weekly spelling patterns.  Can you identify any of  the words?


Rounded off with a wee snowball throwing competition 🙂

P7 Party

Remember to arrive at school in uniform on Monday 18th December.  Bring your party clothes in a bag labelled with your name. We’re all looking forward to seeing everyone’s funky dance moves, including to some Scottish Country dancing tunes and playing fun games to get us all in the festive spirit 🙂

P7 Homework

Can you access the school blog? Are you Winter ready?

If we have some extreme weather and the school is unfortunately shut, please check this page for home learning activities.

To help check who has access to the blog, please comment with your life precept which you created after listening to our class novel Wonder.

I’m looking forward to reading all your comments.  Remember your entry should appear in the comments by Thursday 14th December.

Mrs Harrison

P7 News 17.11.17

This week is Anti-bullying week.

P7 have been learning about different types of bullying and how to keep themselves and others safe from harm. The pupils took part in a workshop from The One Creative Drama group called Friend/Unfriend to learn about cyber bullying.  They supported the pupils from P7/6 to put on a performance together for the whole school.


In class we have continued to read our class novel, Wonder’. Our guided reading sessions focused on writing from the point of view of the children on their first impressions of Auggie Pullman. We have also continued to learn new vocabulary used by the writer in the novel.  We discussed the words; aversion, prehistoric, notion, alignment, mortality and shrivelled.


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We also enjoyed a school outing to the cinema to see Sing.


Thank you to all the parents and carers who made it along to watch our class assembly this morning.  We hope you enjoyed our key message, Choose Kind.  If you missed it please watch our video 🙂


Have a lovely weekend from Mrs Harrison and P7.

Primary 7 News week beginning 6th November

This week P7, we have been learning in a variety of different ways, from using laptops for editing spelling mistakes to using whiteboards to show our understanding about concepts.

We have continued to learn Ceilidh dances, and surprised ourselves with the amount of fun we can gain from dancing with a partner or in a group.

We have also learnt:

  • about different types of bullying to help us prepare for our class assembly next week.
  • how to use suffixes in spelling.
  • about the techniques used by the author of our class novel, Wonder, to help us appreciate how we are all different, but equal and deserve to be treated with respect by everyone.
  • how to make decimal fractions and number values.
  • to use a bible in RME.
  • the importance of wearing a poppy as a symbol of remembrance.

The Literacy Leaders





P7 news 3.11.17

On the minibus

This week in p7

We have been learning:

  • how to survive in Bathgate Academy
  • using decimals and fractions
  • how to ceilidh dance

Everyone has now been allocated jobs to support in and around the school. We have been given the following roles to build our interpersonal skills and support the younger pupils:

  • Literacy Leaders
  • Maths Ambassadors
  • Lunch Leaders
  • Digital Leaders
  • Playground Prefect
  • House Captain
  • Vice Captain
  • Fundraising Team
  • Peer Mediator
  • Football Academy
  • Pupil Council
  • CAB representatives
  • Eco Experts


On Thursday P7 went to Bathgate Academy to take part in the Transition Treasure Hunt. We had a lot of fun finding the answers, speaking to S6 pupils and meeting staff in different departments at the Academy.

Date for you diary

P7 will be hosting the whole school assembly on Friday 17th November.  Please come along to watch.

Hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend from P7 🙂

Thank you to Leah Graham, Lara Findlay and Callan Cairney for writing our blog entry this week.