All posts by Mrs Harrison

Word Boost Snowy Day Story Challenge

Can you use our weekly words in a snowy day story?  This week’s words are:

drone (v) –  a continuous low humming sound

flinched (v) – Make a quick, nervous movement of the face or body as an instinctive reaction to fear or pain.

beacon (n) – a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration

precariously (adv) – In a way that is not securely in position and is likely to fall or collapse.

pleading (n) – the action of making an emotional or earnest appeal to someone

intrigued (v) – arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate

Remember to add in figurative language to your story to add interesting details to engage the reader.

You could post an interesting sentence using some of words onto the blog 🙂


Good morning P7 on snow day number 2!

I hope you are all safe and making the most of the snow.  If you are preferring the option of staying in or possibly like me, need to dig out before going anywhere far, try the little numeracy challenges from The Daily Rigour team to keep your brain busy!



P7 Maths Challenge – The Daily Rigour

Does your brain need a challenge while you are sitting keeping warm at home?  Put down the X-box controller or switch off the television and try the weekly Daily Rigour questions.  Write down the maths strategies you use and be prepared to share your responses in class or upload photographs for discussion onto the blog.

Remember to click to link to open the PDF 🙂

The Daily Rigour 90

Happy Snow Day P7 from Mrs Harrison.

P7 learning activites for school closure

Good morning to all my lovely pupils,

School closure Learning-p7

Hope you are all warm and cosy.  Unfortunately the snow has closed the school, however learning can continue.  I’ve uploaded a series of learning activities for you to complete.  Please click on the link above to open up the document. Have fun and stay safe.  I’m looking forward to seeing  your snow fun photos from today.  Remember to share your photos on glow 🙂

Mrs Harrison

Show Racism the Red Card 26/02/18

Primary Seven pupils took part in a Show Racism the Red Card workshop, focusing on stereotypes and appropriate language to ensure they know how to treat everyone fairly and kindly, regardless of their differences.


The pupils had the opportunity to debate statements linked to racial acts, such as ‘Is it OK to call your local Chinese, The Chinky?’  Some pupils were surprised to know this particular statement is false and a lively debate was held, allowing them to voice their thoughts and opinions in an open environment.  Hopefully the pupils have gained a better insight into the respect needed to be used when treating others.



P7 News

Primary Seven have been extremely busy this week working on The Jungle Book show with P6 and P7/6 pupils.  We are pleased to report the scenes are coming along well.  This week we have been having reading scripts, learning lines and singing songs with the backing tracks, trying hard to project our voices to be heard and learning to act in different roles.


In class, we had a WW2 handling artefacts session with Maureen Liddle. We were all interested, but shocked by the amount of ounces/grams of rations each person was allocated per week. It was great to be able to look and touch Ration books, suitcases, clothing and other items from 1940’s.  It has made the topic very meaningful.



We have also become evacuees and discussed what it felt like to be going away from home from our parents. Researching using laptops has given us more information about evacuees experiences.  We are hoping to transfer our knowledge into our writing through creating personal imaginative letters home to parents.

Still Frame – In role as an evacuee

In role as evacuees
In role as evacuees

Remember next week we need to dress up as a book character on Thursday 1st March.  I look forward to identifying each book character who attends my class on that day 🙂

Safer Internet day: Create, connect and share respect

The P7 Tech Team presented an assembly today on how to keep safe online.  They challenged the children to take part in a small quiz to make them aware of appropriate content for posting and sharing with family and friends.

The Tech Team handed out great advice to consider when going online. Please support each others;

be kind and respectful;

check before you share;

share positivity

and ask for help from an adult if you are worried about any online activity.