All posts by Mrs Turnbull

Potato Book Character Challenge

Congratulations to everyone who managed to resist eating their potato (generously donated by Albert Bartlett)  and dress it as a book character. We were thrilled with the imaginative entries brought to school last week. It was amazing to see the different book characters and all the creative ways pupils tackled the challenge. Well done to everyone who took part and especially to our winning and highly commended potatoes. Here is a selection of the fantastic potatoes:

Celebrating Book Week Scotland @ Murrayfield PS



It’s Book Week Scotland and at Murrayfield PS we are celebrating by launching our ‘MPS loves reading!’ campaign. Here is what is going on in school this week:

Parents and Carers, you can join in with Book Week Scotland too! Just click on the link to go to the Book Week Scotland Virtual Festival page 

Calling all knitters!

Some of the children at Murrayfield are making good use of twiddle muffs in school. Twiddle muffs can help children, who need to fidget, to concentrate and focus on listening tasks.

  • Do you like knitting or do you know someone who likes knitting?
  • Do you have some balls of wool you could donate?
  • Would you be interested in a parent/carer craft club at the school?

Please click on the link below for a pattern for Twiddle muffs.

Mrs Turnbull will be pleased to receive them any time.

JRSOs speak to new P1 parents

Skyeblue, Lara and Leah spoke to the new P1 parents this morning, telling them about their role as Junior Road Safety Officers for the school. Here is what they said:


What do we do? 

Our job is to try to encourage children to be safe by telling them the road safety rules and we try to make it fun. This year we went round the school performing a magic trick. This was to help the children remember to STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK before they cross the road. We hope that the all the children will remember this and help their friends to be safe around roads too.

Safe parking. 

This year we have been taking part in a safe parking campaign. Earlier this year we went out and spoke to parents who were parking outside the school gates. This can be dangerous and the aim of our campaign is help parents and carers understand safe places to park.

Today we are going to give you a leaflet explaining that it is dangerous to park outside the gates. We have also made you a reminder to hang in your car.

Staff car park.

Please don’t walk through the staff car park. Lots of cars are coming and going all day and it is not safe.

Look out for the Park Safely bunting we have put up on the fence outside the school.

Well done girls!

Mrs Turnbull

P1 news

Here are some of the things we have been doing in P1 this week.

On Monday we had a tennis taster session.

We were learning about 3D shapes. We tried to make them using lollipop sticks and plasticene.

We have been learning about electricity. Mrs Bruce set us a challenge to make something which uses electricity with lego. Laiba made a mobile phone!

We are pleased with our Learning Pit display. We are going to add some of the strategies we use to help us learn.

Mrs Turnbull lost her voice this week. A big thank you to Mrs Bruce for doing all the talking at Parent’s evening. The boys and girls in P1 have been very helpful and trying hard to follow Mrs Turnbull’s sign language and read her lips.

P1 have been busy learning!

Last week we welcomed some new children into our P1 class. We got to sit in new groups and chose names for the groups. We chose :-

the elephants, the pandas, the turtles and the bears.

elephants giant-panda-shutterstock_86500690 turtle3 brown-bear-stands-in-shallow-water-coloring-page

We made a class book about how wonderful and different we all are.

We were learning about the black sounds in the Vowel house.

We made paper hugs.

We learned about money.

We got new toys in the classroom.


P7 visit P1S

Four P7 pupils joined P1S on Thursday. As well as working on their ‘Space’ PowerPoint, they led some games with the pupils in P1S. It was lots of fun and I was delighted with the confidence and leadership skills that Walker, Aaron, Rachel and Caitlin displayed. Thank you P7! The P1 pupils enjoyed playing the games by following the rules, taking turns and listening to one another.

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