This week in P5

R0013024 R0013023 R0013022 R0013020

We had great fun researching and learning about the gunpowder plot. We used our knowledge gained to have a class debate. Was it a Government plot or Terrorist act?

In Reading routes this week P5 looked at statements, questions and exclamations and the punctuation marks used for this.

In Handwriting this week we have concentrated on the formation of f and k when using joined handwriting.

This week we continued to use upper body strength during PE with Miss Harrison.

P5 exceeded expectation with the creation of colorful informative fire safety posters. We have displayed these throughout the school.

This weeks Skillionaire focus was – Analyse.

This weeks Skillionaires are:

Aarin Higgins for being able to breakdown difficult addition problems in numeracy.

Harris McEwan for being able to test himself using mad math minutes.

R0013039 R0013041 R0013044 R0013045

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