What P5 have been doing this week


We have been looking at time. We know that the 9 on the clock means quarter to and the 3 on the clock means quarter past.

The squares were converting 12 hour time to 24 hour time. Some of us have learned how to make a train timetable using 24 hour times.

We were doing some Barvember challenges. Barvember is a website with lots of maths challenges that we have to solve. Each problem had to be solved by using a bar strategy.


In Wordsmith we have been listening to the podcast called “The Ghost Thief”. We wrote down what characters thought about each other. We also were looking for powerful language in the text and created a poster about this.

Health and Wellbeing

We discussed how we could show respect to the community. We also found out about different clubs in the area.

In P.E. we were learning the skills in the Dashing White Sergent in Scottish Country Dancing.

We also had our last week of handball with pupils from Bathgate Academy. We loved playing handball and are very grateful for this chance to work with Bathgate Academy. These skills will hopefully help us in our Handball Tournament on the 13th of December!


We made powerpoints about landscapes in Scotland. We had different groups working on different subjects. We are starting to draw pictures of coastlines, cities, forests, lochs, mountains and rivers.



We were making a secret Christmas craft for the Christmas Fair. You will need to come along to see what it is! The Choir will also be performing there.

We also on skype to Bathgate Academy and 3 primary schools. There were a few sound problems but we were able to discuss the cost of the school day. The pupils from Bathgate Academy will make this into a play which we will be excited to see.


We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.




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