Try a Little Kindness P5

Good Morning Primary 5!

Kindness Challenges for you today

I know you won’t see as many people as usual today but that will make this challenge more interesting!

I challenge everyone in Primary 5 to do 10 random acts of kindness today.

Remember some of our ideas:

-Hold the door open for someone                                            – Smile at people

-Lay the table for dinner                                                            – Clean your room without being asked

– Do a job for someone without them knowing                     – Compliment someone

-Read a book to someone                                                           – Make a thank you card for someone

-Teach someone something new                                              – Make a homemade gift for someone


I also have uploaded some Winter Olympic Maths Sheets for you to pick between.


Keep yourself safe and warm and have a day full of kindness!!


Mrs Craig


Winter Olympic Maths

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