P 5.4 News.

We have been very busy in P 5.4 over the last few weeks. Here are some of the things that we have been up to both in and out of the classroom.

I was very proud of all the children during our recent Assembly.

The children enjoyed being outside in the snow trying to build the biggest snow man, they realised that if they worked together in groups, they then could build bigger snowmen together. They then had to judge which snowman was the biggest by estimating which snowman was the biggest, without the use of a Metre stick.

We have been using lots of our new numeracy resources, during our numeracy lessons and consolidating what we have already learned.

We managed to solve Mrs. Bruce’s treasure hunt and solved the mystery word and won our class some treasure.

As well, as learning lots, we have have been researching information for our Burns topic and practicing lots for our Burns show, which is this Thursday night. (8th of February 2018, 6-7.30 pm)

I hope you all have had a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you all back in the morning.
Miss Hanlon.

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