P 5/4 Tesco trip.

On Monday P 5/4 were lucky enough to be invited ‘backstage’ into our local Bathgate Tesco store. Our topic this term has been ‘Farm to Fork’ and during our visit we were learning about where the food that we eat comes from and how it ends up in the store. While we were at the store we were given the opportunity to make some of our own bread, try some exotic fruits and cheese and we also held some fish. We learned lots of information about where all of the food comes from and where it is stored when it is in the store. We all had a fantastic day and these are some of our favorite highlights of the trip.

Jack – ‘Trying the different types of cheese and I liked the pineapple.’

Sara – ‘We got to hold some fish.’

Derek – ‘When we got to try all the different kinds of fruit.’

Cara -‘Getting to go into the staff room.’

Summer S -‘I liked going into the fridge and freezers, it was freezing.’

Kirsty – ‘Everything that we learned about Farm to Fork.’

Amy -Leigh – ‘When we went into the bakery, because we got to see what they do to make bread.’

Aaron – ‘I liked holding a little squid.’

Summer B – ‘We got to try lots of different types of fruit and where they all came from.’



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