P7/6 News

Dear Parents and Carers,

P7/6 have had a fantastic week so far! We have taken part in 3 different workshops which have all been fantastic. On Monday the children took part in a Drama workshop, led by Miss Kathryn Smith. Kathryn is a drama student studying at Queen Margaret University. She is in her fourth year and writing her dissertation on the effects of drama within the curriculum. She has come to Murrayfield to focus her research on our class and is planning on teaching drama through our topic as well as Numeracy and Literacy. Her first lesson was on The Wedding of Mary Queen of Scots to her first husband in France. The children loved her French accent and she really captured the mood and hustle and bustle of a busy wedding day. Please make sure you have completed the letter Kathryn has sent to all parents so your child can continue taking part in Kathryn’s lessons.

On Thursday the P6’s took part in their Tobacco workshop while the P7’s took part in their Drugs and Alcohol Workshop. The children found out some interesting facts and shared their knowledge of their topics in a calm and safe environment.

Also on Thursday, p7/6 took part in their first music workshop, led by Limehouse Music. This was an amazing opportunity for the class to take part in fun musical improvisations, along with singing, drama warm ups and learning African dances to a drum and guitar. The workshop was absolutely fantastic and the class cannot wait for the next one in a few weeks.

Lastly, a date for your diary. P7/6’s assembly on Scottish Book week will be on Friday 1st December. Please come along to watch your child participate in this fun event.

Have a nice weekend!

Miss Moir

Here are some photos of the drama workshop!

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