Primary 5 Learning

This week in Primary 5

In our topic we learned about deforestation.

– “If people cut down lots of trees then there will be less oxygen.” Neive

– “People are cutting trees down just for the money” Jack G

-“It is destroying animal’s habitats.” Jay

In maths we have been practising our 3 and 4 times table. We have have also been assessing our work from last term.

-The squares were looking at formal division.

-The triangles were working on time. “If the big hand is pointing at the 9 and the small hand is pointing at the 2 it is quarter to 2” Jack C

-The circles have been learning to divide by 2 and 5.

This week we were writing a report about the rainforest.

-“We need an introduction at the start.” Sasha

-“You need subheadings to tell the reader what each section will be about.” Layla

We also had lots of fun making some spooky spiders for halloween!

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