Healthy and Eco week in P2/1

What a busy week in P2/1!

We have had a big focus on health and Eco this week as well as all of the other learning we do each each day.  In health we have been learning how to keep ourselves healthy by being active, eating or drinking 5 portions of fruit/veg each day, drinking enough each day and finding out why breakfast is so important to start the day.

We looked at how much sugar were in drinks and were surprised by what we found out!


We also took part in the Daily Mile each day and lots of Go Noodle during the day to keep us moving about!

We have also been learning about recycling.  We had to match up the different things that people throw out to the different recycling bins.  We looked at pictures of what might happen to our planet if we don’t recycle.  It was sad.

We took part in a recycling fashion show. We worked together in teams to make a costume for two of our classmates and Mrs Mackie!

Next week we will be taking part in lots of different activities which can help to keep us fit and healthy, including Golf, Soccer Aid (remember your donations) and Relax Kids!

Keep checking for more updates on our learning!

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