P 5/4.

We have been very busy in Primary 5/4 over the last few weeks.

We have been learning about Time, such as days of the week and months. Looking at half past, quarter to, quarter past and o’clock on an analogue clock.
We have been looking at lots of different ways in which we can measure time, such as using a Sun dial. Miss Hanlon would of loved to have taken us outside to make our own Sundials yesterday, but unfortunately the clouds have been hiding the sun. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the sun comes out again soon for us.

We have been discussing our own personal strengths and weaknesses in Health and Well being, which we all found a lot more difficult than we thought it would be to begin with. We also spoke about what we could all do to become more confident in our own abilities and as people.

In our Big Writing this week, we have began to find out about Persuasive writing. We had a discussion about whether or not we should wear school uniform or not. We had to think about why school uniform was good to have to begin with and then we had to talk about why we thought we shouldn’t wear school uniform as well. Surprisingly some children changed their minds from being against wearing school uniform at the beginning of the lesson to being for wearing school uniform at the end of our discussions.
(Some children did ask if this meant we were now not going to have to wear school uniform and I assured them that no, they would still have to wear school uniform regardless if they wanted to or not.)

Finally we have started to learn about our Topic, which is Ancient Greece. We had a look at some Ancient Greek vases and paintings and tried to make our very own Ancient Greek vases from clay.
Miss Hanlon was very proud of us all and thinks we have all done a very good job of our Ancient Greek vases. (One child asked if they could sell theirs and if they did, did they think they would get at least £10 for it?.)

We also shared our exciting news of our two latest additions to the class and Miss Hanlon can happily say that they are still swimming away happily.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

P 5/4, Miss Hanlon and Mrs.Stewart.

One thought on “P 5/4.”

  1. Lots of hard work being done. Well done.

    I’ve a feeling I know who wanted to make money from their vase!!

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