Snow Sculpture Book Characters

Sadly World Book day has passed and we didn’t get to share our wonderful outfits in the classroom, however we’re having the perfect weather to snuggle up with a good book. I’m busy switching between reading The Racehorse Who Wouldn’t Gallop by Clare Balding and Refugee by Alan Gratz, both books kindly lent to me by pupils in our class. What book are you reading? Remember this week’s homework  – you were asked to bring in a book you’ve read recently for writing a book review on.  We’ll do this when we get back to class, but please let me know what you’ve been reading while off.  What part has intrigued you most about your book?

You could be creative and complete Artistic Ace in the snow!  Can you guess which book inspired my character sculpture of a spider (with a little building help from my child)? I was going to dress as Fern for World Book Day.


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