P7/6 News

Dear Parents and Carers,

P7/6 have been very busy working on their school show this week and it has been going tremendously well. I am so proud of all the children’s hard work and dedication. Only 2 weeks until the main event so keep up the great work guys!

Mrs Harrison, Mrs Sneddon and myself have sent out a letter today in regards to costumes for the show. Please do not feel you have to buy anything new for this but Primark, Asda, Tesco etc sell very cheap t-shirts if  and only if you want to. We have tried to keep costumes simple and the likely hood of items being already in wardrobes and cupboards at home. If your child has not received a letter this is because we will be providing them with costumes through school funds. We will also be making masks and headdresses in class for animals and jungle which should be completed by next week.

Further rehearsals will take place next week. As this is such a busy time I shall continue to do reading homework but will stop spelling and word boost until the show is finished. The children can practise song singing and learning their lines if they have a main part.

Thank you so much for all your continued support through this busy time. The show is going to be amazing!!

Miss Moir

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