Winter Learning!

It may have been cold and snowy outside all day but that didn’t stop P2/1 from having taking part in lots of outdoor learning (cleverly disguised as fun!).


The first thing we did was to learn  how to build a snowman.  We discovered that it isn’t as easy as it looks!  Mrs Walker helped us (we think she had the most fun of all!).  When we had finished making them we came back in to class and wrote instructions on how to make one.


After that we spoke about the different types of clothes you would wear in Winter and compared this to clothes in summer.  We all agreed that  shorts and flip flops might not be a good idea on a day like today!


More outdoor learning followed afterwards.  This time we were catching snowflakes on black paper and looking at them through a magnifying glass. It was interesting to see how many landed on our paper.  There were loads. Next we tried to catch snowflakes on our tongues.  We made pictures of people doing this last week so it was fun trying it out for ourselves!  Then we had a team competition to see who could build the tallest snow tower. Lastly, we made snow angels!


You can see all of the fun we had in the photos!

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