P7/6 News

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a busy week in P7/6 with lots of competition winners. Congratulations to Katie Clifton for winning the Upper School Helmet design through Bikeability. Her helmet was beautifully drawn with planets on it, which linked to p7/6 class topic. Also, a huge well done to Rachel for showing resilience during her cycling- she kept going and never gave up.Well done to everyone in class who took part and raised money for Bikeability and the STV children’s appeal. The school raised over £1000 which was outstanding!

In class this week we managed to finish 2 displays for out class topic-the solar system and completed a Maths challenge on finding the radius of all the planets in the solar system! Well done to Lewis Dickie for his sheer determination with his division and to Dean Robertson for supporting others in his group with a calm and positive manner. Well done boys!

Here are some photos of our winners from Bikeability and our class display.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Moir

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