P6 and P7 Internet Safety

Good afternoon,

This morning the p6’s and p7’s took part in an Internet Safety chat with Mr Davie Thomson, the community police officer from St Kentigern’s High School.  The discussion was based around the use of mobile phones and keeping themselves safe online through security settings. The children watched a short clip from Think you Know (www.thinkuknow.co.uk) and then discussed keeping themselves safe through their security settings on social media. Setting their security settings to private will keep your child safe online and limit the people who can see what they are posting. Mr Thomson reminded the children that if they are worried about anything online they should discuss this with their parents as it is their responsibility to keep their child safe online.

The children were made aware of the age limits and restrictions of social media and learned a lot from this experience.

We hope to work with Mr Thomson in the future for further Internet Safety talks.

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