P7 News

Thank you so much to all parents and carers who made it to the p7 and p7/6 assembly today. If you could not make it due to other commitments then Mr Richards kindly filmed it and we will put into the blog asap. The children were a credit to Murrayfield and their performances was great. Mrs Millar and I are very proud of them.

P7 will be starting their new topic next week which is…..The Jacobites!


The children will be working alongside p6/5 for this topic and will be researching historical events, writing newspaper articles and will even be taking part in some hot seating and debating! Mrs Harrison and I are very excited.

Just a final note that homework will be starting next week as usual. Spelling and Reading homework will be handed out on a Monday and MUST be completed by Thursday to complete guided reading tasks and discussions on reading activities. Maths homework will be handed out on a Thursday to be completed over the weekend and handed in on the Monday. This blocks focus will be Multiplication and Division alongside Problem Solving, Time and Shape. To support you child you can set them mini challenges at home through asking them the time or random multiplication questions.

Here is a link for a few websites that will support you and your child at home:



I will also be completing targets from last block and new targets for this block so please check your child’s homework for these.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Moir and p7


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