Happy New Year, from P4!

Happy New Year!

We have gone straight back into hard work after the holidays.

This week we have been researching climate zones of the world. In pairs, we were given a country to research, using books and laptops. To create our climate fact file, we had to find the answers to questions about the average annual rainfall and temperature of the country, as well as about the wildlife, vegetation and homes. We also had to find out exactly where our country was in the world and identify it on a large map – we found this very challenging! Phew – so much work in such a short time!

We also created our own ‘resolution’ (target) for the remainder of the session – ‘I would like to get better at…’ and will look at them again at the end of the year to see if we have managed to achieve them.

We were very excited to find out that our new topic will be ‘The Vikings’ and have already shared what we think we know about them and what we would like to learn about them. Because it is important that we are part of the planning process, Mrs Stewart will use our ideas to create our learning plan for the topic.

We will be continuing to work hard on developing our skills and knowledge of addition and subtraction, using the strategies that we have already been learning and sharing with each other.

Can’t wait to share our learning with you all!

Have a lovely weekend! 🙂

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