P7 News!

p7 have had another super week and even finished their week off with a visitor to discuss their topic.

Megan Cordner has been taking the time to support the class with visuals for their Natural Disasters topic and after receiving a letter from Mhari, she came in to share her learning with the class- how could we say no with her skills and knowledge as a Geography student! She had a super morning with the class and the children asked her some very suitable questions. Well done P7!

Thank you to all parents who came to parents evening. It was lovely to see you and have a good natter. Just a quick note to say maths homework is due in on Monday and The Big Talk homework this week is to bring in a newspaper article to discuss in class. A letter will be handed out on Monday to remind all children, but please do not worry if you havnt has time over Monday evening…a simple further discussion of newspapers would be brilliant.

Thanks again for your continued support. Have a great weekend 🙂

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