P5/4 news!

Hello and welcome to the latest news from P5/4. This week we have:

* Had a HUGE spelling test involving 75 words. It took us a while but we got there in the end! Mr Richards will let us know the results very soon!

* Thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the Filmhouse in Edinburgh to see a film version of “The Gruffalo’s Child” followed by readings in Scots of “The Gruffalo’s Wean” by the first Scots Scriever Hamish MacDonald, and a reading in Shetland dialect by Edinburgh Makar, Christine De Luca. It was was also screened live on the Glow website and was watched by other primary schools around Scotland!

It was a very enjoyable morning and we had a great time watching the film, hearing the different dialects and asking lots of questions. Well done to all of the children in Primaries 4, 5 & 5/4 who were a credit to the school!

Please enjoy the pictures below and see you again next week for more!

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