What has been going on in P5 this week.

PE this week we had the opportunity to play volleyball with Mrs. Logan. In pairs the children worked on catching and throwing skills.R0013057R0013058R0013066

We have started getting ready for our assembly with P4 and P5/4.

We hope to see you there. The 27th November 2015.

In Numeracy we have been working on place value.We even managed to get to Billions!

P5 is also working on time and show a good knowledge of telling o’clock and half past .We are working on quarter to  and quarter past and have designed our own clocks to help us with this.

We have had some fantastic peer learning this week during reading routes and it is always lovely to see peers working collaboratively and enhancing each others learning.R0013049R0013050

We enjoy celebrating wider achievement and have been so lucky to have two friends share their achievement in swimming. Connor Martin received a badge for completing 25m. Sam Parker achieved gold in 50m front crawl, 50m breast stroke, 25m fly, 50m back stroke and 200m front crawl. Unbelievable! I am tired just typing it.

Well done boys!


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