P6 Class News!


Pizza Fractions


Class Clocks


Hi Everyone,

Since the beginning of term we have been very busy creating a fun filled classroom with lots of lovely colourful displays.

We have also been looking at our new topic, Climate Change, learning about Fractions and looking at Kandinsky art work. Next week we will be working together to create a class frieze through our topic which will be displayed in the corridor. Watch this space…

P6 have also been doing some french writing and learning how to work together through P.E and Health and Wellbeing. P6 and p6/7 worked together outside to complete an Alpha hunt, where they had to find something for every letter of the alphabet in the playground, garden etc. This was great fun and the children really enjoyed working in pairs to find everything. Well done to Ryan, Naomi, Shannon and Amy-Leigh.

Here are some more pictures of our displays in class so far.

Have a great weekend!

From p6


Class Charter


Kandinsky Artwork






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