on the 14th of february Leah lead the learning in French with her Cloze procedure worksheet all about St.Valentin. Pupils in three classes had to use a FRENCH dictionary and research skills on the netbooks and their own devices to find the missing words and to translate these into french. This was part of our mid calder loves languages week. please come and look at the wall display in the upper area to see what else we got up to?!
Mardi Gras Carnival and Celebrations for Scotland Loves Languages Week!
Pupils in P6/7 and P7 have participated in a week long programme of learning opportunities, incorporating many different skills for life and learning, across curriculum areas. We have been focusing on applying our spoken French language skills, whilst learning about French culture and celebrations. We have created elaborately designed masks for Mardi Gras; we have used and learned French vocabulary for describing our school, resulting in a fantastic “Voici Mon Ecole” video; we have learned how to participate in a Mardi Gras carnival procession, including our drumming and dancing skills; and finally have been learning how to cook crepes!
Lots of very exciting IDL learning, shared also with Mrs Green from the 1+2 Modern Languages development team, who brought her conversational French skills into our classes! We loved speaking French with her!
P6/7 investigating data analysis for IDL!
This week during our IDL, P6/7 have been using the Scotland’s Census website to find out information about Scotland and West Lothian. We found out for the last census in 2011, there were more females than males living in Scotland.
We are learning how to analyse the data from the census to help us understand what kind of country Scotland is in the 21st Century.
We discovered that health, education, labour, age and gender were all different around Scotland. We also were able to find out our nations population in 2011.
We are reading and interpreting the data and using it to help inform our understanding of the diverse nature of our nation.
This has been a really good way for us to include BYOD into our learning this week!!