Tag Archives: conversion

Primary 6 and 7 Money Week!

This week for Mid Calder Money Week, we have been investigating through our IDL topic, the value of money from 1940 compared to 2016.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to convert money and compare costs from 1940 and 2016.

Success criteria:

I understand the names of old money

I can confidently discuss all coinage and notes from 2016

I can change from pennies to modern pence

I can change from shillings to modern pence


Through our challenge, we looked at the different values of money from now and then – we were surprised to find how differently money was used during WW2.  We then began the tricky process of conversion – we used old pennies and new pence to start with and then added in shillings.  We used examples of foods available during rationing and calculated the costs related to modern money.

On day three of the challenge, we had to design a rationed meal for four people using our knowledge of old money, and we planned a meal using ingredients and cost.  We presented our findings to a high standard.  We then participated in a valuable plenary session where we explained our learning and evaluated against our learning intention.  We really enjoyed the activities and liked discovering the value of money from 1940.

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