Term 2 Celebration Assembly

On December 22nd, we welcomed parents and friends along to our Celebration Assembly so that pupils could receive their STEM Super Star and Successful Speller awards. We also announced the Top Scorers for each house.

A big thank you to Mr Welsh for inspiring us by sharing his interpretation of our school motto, Believe, Achieve, Succeed, and for presenting our Primary 3 pupils with their certificate for coming first in West Lothian’s Sumdog Maths Contest. Certificates were also awarded to our pupils who came in the top 50 in the competition.

Well done to all of our award winners!

P2 Christmas Post

Over the last few weeks, the children in Primary 2 have enjoyed reading some of  Mairi Hedderwick’s Katie Morag stories.

Katie  Morag is the main character in each book, so we looked really closely at the text, and at the pictures in the books to learn as much as we could about her. We tried to draw a likeness of her, and we were really pleased with the results.

Katie Morag lives on the Isle of Struay, and we were keen to look closely at a map of the island. We explored the island and found some of the special places mentioned in the stories. We also programmed the Bee-bot to follow different routes around the island.

Katie Morag and her family live above the shop and Post Office, and Katie Morag sometimes helps to deliver the mail. We thought that we could set up a Post Office in our classroom and provide a service to all the classes in the infant area by sorting and delivering the Christmas post each day.

We were kept very busy every day. Sometimes we even needed to provide an afternoon delivery as well as a morning one! Final deliveries were made today. A huge Thank You to everyone who used our service and made our learning such fun.

P2 Christmas Party

This morning Primary 2 were ready to party!

The children all looked amazing, and had such enthusiasm for taking part in the games and activities, which they planned themselves yesterday. They did this by first of all gathering lots of ideas for party games, then they used tally marks to record votes and eventually they discovered that the favourites were Pass the Parcel, Musical Statues, Christmas Corners and Duck, Duck, Goose (which we changed to Santa, Santa, Elf since it was Christmas!)

We also had time to dance and show off all our wonderful moves. We even had a dancing competition. What terrific dancers we have in P2!

In between all these activities we  stopped to enjoy a short break and to have some food and drink.

The party was a lot of fun and a great way to start our day.

P1’s Christmas Party!

P1 had an absolutely amazing time at their Christmas party this afternoon. All the boys and girls looked fantastic in their party outfits and really enjoyed participating in all their chosen Christmas party games such as musical statues, musical bumps, pass the parcel, Christmas corners and a dancing competition.

Well done to all our fantastic prize winners demonstrating some really groovy moves on the dance floor!

We also had a special visitor, santa, who popped in while he was passing in his sleigh on the way to his workshop to deliver a special gift to each of the boys and girls in P1. We all enjoyed singing Jingle Bells to welcome him in.

Merry Christmas P1!

Mrs Walker & Miss Prior


P5 Christmas Party!

On Friday we partied the morning away, both P5 classes had their long awaited Christmas party. Unfortunately Santa was busy and was unable to pop by but we all had a fantastic time anyway! Everyone make a huge effort and looked fabulous. After some games and dancing we got together for our party feast. We had amazing dancers and everyone showed great competitive spirit during our games. I think it is safe to say that everyone really enjoyed themselves.

Not long now until the big day.

We hope you all have a wonderful and safe Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.


Miss Anderson & Mrs Campbell


Primary 3’s Christmas Party

“Tis the season to be jolly…” and Primary 3 were certainly feeling jolly today when they celebrated at the P3 Christmas party.

We kicked off the party with a game of Eggs, followed by Christmas themed Corners. Next, we played an energetic game of Ollie Ollie Octopus. After that, we stopped for a bite to eat in to replenish our energy, then got back to party mode with a game of Killer 12. We then played a game that Lucas invented called Shark Attack. We also showed off our dance moves and sang along loudly to our favourite songs. Everyone had a fantastic afternoon 🙂 Merry Christmas Primary 3!


Snow paw visit and talk about creative design business!


here is the website OF A LOCAL DESIGN COMPANY: https://snowpawuk.com/

This week Olivia  gave us an presentation all about her mum’s

w Work Snow Paw. Here are some facts: Harris Tweed can be made by weavers working on the islands of Harris, Lewis, Benbecula and Barra .  Harris Tweed is the only fabric governed by an Act of Parliament. to become Harris tweed it must be handwoven by the islands at their homes in the outer Hebrides, finished in the islands  and is made from pure using wool dyed and spun in the outer Hebrides.

We asked Olivia some questions about how to sell online and through craft markets.

Caitlin- I think that the business will do great. I like the materials they use

Lexie- I  think the quality of the business is great and I love the fabrics and materials.

Thank you to Olivia’s Mum for sharing her design ideas!

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