Category Archives: News

See You Again

Primary 7 rewrote the lyrics to the song ‘See You Again’ for their Leavers Assembly and performed it for the school and their parents while this slideshow played behind them. The pictures capture the happy times that Primary 7 have shared in their final year at Mid Calder Primary School 🙂


June Newsletter

Dear Parent/Carer,

It has been an extremely busy month with transition activities and preparing to say goodbye to our P7 pupils. It has been an honour to watch these children grow and blossom into confident young people. Their Leaver’s Assembly marked their journey through nursery and primary school and demonstrated the strong friendships that have developed throughout their time at the school. We wish our primary seven pupils every success as they move to their new high school and hope that they stay in touch with the school.

All our pupils have met their new teacher and are very excited about the year that lies ahead. You should have received your child’s end of school report on Wednesday (24th June). I want to thank staff for their commitment over this past session as we move forward as a school.

Thank you for continued support this session and I wish you a very happy and sunny (here’s hoping!) holiday.

Nicola Thompson

Head Teacher

June newsletter

P7 Leavers Assembly

This afternoon parents and friends of Primary 7 joined together for their last assembly at Mid Calder Primary. We were entertained by a quiz show, music and the Mid Calder Kids Choice Award. The grand finale was the staff music video. A big well done to the pupils and staff in Primary 7, for all their preparation and planning. We wish you all the best Primary 7, as one chapter closes and a new one begins.

Visit from the Fire Brigade

The Primary 6s were visited by a team from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service today who taught them all about the dangers of deliberate fire setting, making hoax calls and general fire safety. They were also able to learn about the job that this team does and had a chance to look at some of the equipment that they use to help them. Everyone was reminded of how important this job is when the team had to leave half way through the session when they received an emergency call out. Thankfully it was a false alarm and they were able to return to finish their presentation. Thank you to the firemen for an interesting and informative talk.

P1 P1/2 and P2 visit Deep Sea World

Primary 1, 1/2 and 2 had a wonderful trip to Deep Sea World on Tuesday 16th June. We saw seals being fed, learnt all about Star fish and sea anemones and even got to handle them at a special class. We would like to thank all the parents who came along and helped out. We had a fantastic time!

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Term 4 Achievement Awards

Yesterday we had our Achievement Assembly for Term 4. Each class nominated one pupil to receive the Achievement Award for their class. Parents and carers were invited along to watch the assembly.

We also gave out Star Writer Awards, Top Scorer prizes, sporting trophies and announced the winning house for the term. The school was also awarded a certificate for our continued support for the Smoke Free Home and Zones project.

Well done who everyone who received an award!