LI: We are learning about push and pull forces.
SC: I can predict what will happen to an object when a push or pull force is applied.
SC: I can apply a push or pull force to an object.
SC: I can analyse whether an object has changed shape or speed when a push or pull force is applied.
SC: I can record my analysis.
This afternoon Primary 1b continued our Toys topic by carrying out an experiment to explore the effect of forces on some of our classroom toys. We began our experiment by predicting the effect of a push force and a pull force on three different types of toy, explaining and recording our predictions. Then we worked with a partner to apply a push and a pull force to the toys, then analyse and record the results.
“It’s starting to move. That means its changing speed.” Isla MacKinnon
“The ball rolls when you push it, so its changing speed.” Isla Meldrum
“If you push this ball at both sides it gets squished too. That’s because it’s soft. It’s fabric.” Daniel
“Most of the toys changed speed.” Lucas
“If you push the ball from the side, it goes the other way.” Amorie
“If you make the play dough into a ball, then you can make it roll.” Rory