Category Archives: Learning Stories

P7 Leaver’s Party

Tonight the school was open after hours for some very excited P7 pupils. After many busy things over the last few weeks with transition to high school, M&Ds and their Leaver’s assembly they got to let their hair down at their Leaver’s Party. Everyone was dressed to impressed with beautiful dresses and smart shirts, they all looked so grown up! It may have been one of the wettest days we’ve had for months but they didn’t let that stop them having fun.

They enjoyed some chips and ice-cream, party games and entertainment from a fantastic DJ who used all their choices for the play list making it very specific to them.

Here are some pictures from their evening. A big thank you to all the staff who also came along to help make the evening such a great success.

P1 Time

This week we have been reflecting on our learning about Time.

LI We are learning to read o’clock times

SC I can recognise the o’clock time on an analogue clock face

I can recognise the o’clock time on a digital display

We talked about why it is important for us to know about time, and to be able to tell the time. Here are some of our ideas –

You need to know the time so you’re not late for school.  

We need to know when it’s bedtime.  

We don’t want to be late for going outside to play.

As part of our learning we made clocks, used plasticene to show the time on clock faces, played matching games, played bingo games and played Stop The Clock on the Smartboard.

We are getting very good at reading the time on the clock in the classroom, and we can remind Mrs Smith when it is almost lunch time, and when it is time to tidy up at the end of the day!

Sometimes we are even beginning to recognise ‘half past’ times too.

Nursery trip to Five Sisters Zoo


The nursery children enjoyed their trip to Five Sisters Zoo.  The sun was shining and the children were very excited.  We started with a minibeast hunt and then had time to look at some of the animals.  There was a quick trip to the park before lunch and then it was back to looking at the animals.

“I think it was all really good.” – Charlotte

“I liked the bit when we were finding the animals” – Jack

“I want to go again!” – Chloe

The lions were the favourite animals, but the other animals the children enjoyed seeing included the lemurs, meerkats, the snake and the bears.

A big thank you goes to all our adult helpers – we can’t do trips like this without your support.

P1 and P2/1 Transition Challenge

Last week Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 worked together to prepare a presentation for the Nursery children who are coming into P1 in August.

The first part of our challenge was to discuss what we thought the Nursery children most needed to know about being in Primary 1. There were lots of ideas and suggestions put forward and here are a few of our suggestions:

“To be confident and make new friends.” (Grace)

“You need to be kind to each other.” (William)

“Sitting still, looking at the teacher, lips closed and open ears.” (Cayla)

“Do your own work.” (Lacey)

“Don’t push. Use gentle hands and feet.” (Jake)

Next, we organised these ideas under the headings of routines, rules and expectations, learning, playing in the playground and friendship. We took photographs to include in the presentation because they helped to demonstrate some of our ideas.

When the Nursery children came over, we took turns to talk to them. The Nursery boys and girls listened very well, and at the end, they asked some good questions which we tried hard to answer.



We are looking forward to working with and playing with the Nursery children when they become our new Primary 1 classes.


Nursery assembly and transition

The morning and afternoon classes performed their end of year assemblies this week.  The children had worked hard to learn all their lines.  They sang their hearts out for the audience and there was barely a dry eye in the house.

The pre-school children also visited Primary 1 to find out from the current classes what it is really like in the school.  The Primary 1 children explained all about the routines and expectations.  The nursery children had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify their ideas.

Term 4 Celebration Assembly

Today we had our final Celebration Assembly. The Technical Troopers past and present were recognised for their contributions across our whole school community, from supporting teachers to setting up for CEMs, presenting to WL Head Teachers and staff to organising our Digital Award Accrediation. They have worked very hard to embed digital learning across our school and nursery.

We awarded Remarkable, STEM Superstars and Top Scorers for the term. Congratulations to everyone who received an award.



Congratulations to Cunigar for winning the house cup this term.