Category Archives: Information for Parents

West Lothian Council Complaints Procedure

The following information describes our complaints procedure and how to make a complaint.

What is a complaint?

We regard a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction about our action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by us or on our behalf.

How do I complain?

You can complain in person at any of our offices, by phone, in writing or email via our complaints form. It is easier for us to resolve complaints if you make them quickly and directly to the service concerned. So please talk to a member of our staff at the service you are complaining about. Then they can try to resolve any problems at this time. If you want to complain about a business or service that the Council regulates then you must do this in writing.

Our contact details

Please contact us by the following means:

When complaining, tell us:

  • your full name and address
  • as much as you can about your complaint
  • what has gone wrong
  • how you want us to resolve the matter

What happens when I have complained?

We will always tell you who is dealing with your complaint. Our complaints procedure has two stages:

Stage One: resolution

We will always try to resolve your complaint quickly, within five working days if we can. If you are dissatisfied with our response, you can ask us to consider your complaint at Stage Two.

Stage Two: investigation

We will look at your complaint at this stage if you are dissatisfied with our response at Stage One. We also look at some complaints immediately at this stage, if it is clear that they are complex or need detailed investigation. We will acknowledge your complaint within three working days. We will give you our decision as soon as possible. This will be after no more than 20 working days unless there is clearly a good reason for needing more time.

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

If, after receiving our final decision on your complaint, you remain dissatisfied with our decision, with the outcome of the investigation or the information contained in the response, you have the right to contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman as follows:

Contacting the SPSO

In Person: By Post:
4 Melville Street Freepost EH641
Edinburgh Edinburgh

Freephone: 0800 377 7330

For more information please visit:

Internet Safety & Social Media

In our groups we are creating a fact file for primary 5-7 pupils explaining a type of social media and how they can keep themselves safe if they are using it.

  • We are learning how to safely use technology to communicate with others.
  • We are learning to consider the impact that layout and presentation have in engaging the audience with a fact file.
  • We are learning to work as part of a group.

A successful fact file will have:

  • a title
  • social media icon
  • age guidelines
  • information about the site
  • information on how to keep safe using this site
  • audience: P5-7
  • use your own words
  • A3 size
  • Text
  • Pictures

First we researched the key questions from the success criteria using the NSPCC website: Netaware. We would recommend parents look at this website to find out information about social media. Next we planned what our fact file would look like, ensuring we included the success criteria. Today we started making our fact files, watch this space for the final product!