Category Archives: Sciences

What shall we have for snack today?

We searched the nursery garden and found the rhubarb patch. It was quite hard pulling up the stalks but we managed. Chop, chop, choppity chop, chop off the bottom and chop off the top. Staight into the pot for cooking. Now for the topping, lots of butter and flour then spread it evenly over the fruit. Now into the oven. The best bit mmmmmmmm. We are discovering where food comes from as we choose, prepare and taste different foods.

After making snack children have the opportunity to check on the weather situation and update the calendar. Todays chefs completed the task to a high standard.


Bye, Bye Butterflies!


We are learning to recognise and describe the stages of the Butterfly Life Cycle


 I can describe the changes I see using appropriate vocabulary

I can sequence pictures and create a diagram to show the Life Cycle of a butterfly

The last two weeks  have been very exciting in Primary 1. We have watched very carefully as our tiny, wriggly caterpillars have grown, formed chrysalises and eventually turned  into beautiful butterflies.

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Last week we took the butterflies outside and released them in the garden.

Perhaps you will be lucky enough to see them as they fly around Mid Calder!



Experimenting with sounds

We have been experimenting with sounds. Through discovery and natural curiosity, we can make quiet sounds and loud sounds using recycled materials. We have made a drum from an orange carrier bag, a painttub and some string. We habe made a guitar from a cereal box and elastic bands and a rain stick using a cardboard tube with cut up pieces of straw inside. Our sound tubes makes a whizzing sound when we rotate it. We have enjoyed experimenting with sounds.CIMG0036 CIMG0037 CIMG0058 CIMG0061

STEM Open Morning

This  morning, MCPS opened its doors to parents, carers and friends in order for pupils to exhibit their learning through our STEM (Sciences, Technologies, Engineering ad Mathematics) contexts for learning. This included:

P1: The Garden

P2-3: The Great Deserted Island

P4-5: Project Planetarium

P6-7: CSI

Our guests spent time in their children’s classes taking part in a wide range of activities including; designing space crafts of the future, information sessions, demonstrations, Science investigations and lots more.

We also used this time to ask parents for their input into our Curriculum Rationale, the the results of which will be shared soon.

Thank you to everyone who came along to support the event.

3..2..1.. Mission 4 accomplished!

We are learning to research and report on scientific news items

A successful report will include:

  • Mission name
  • Date it happened
  • Information about the significant event
  • Country responsible
  • Duration- 1 minute

This week, Primary 5 received Mission 4 as part of their IDL context, Project Planetarium. We were challenged to work in our home teams to research two significant space missions from throughout history. We then worked as a class to put together a timeline of space exploration in our very own documentary, A History of Space Travel.

To prepare, each home team had to select an envelope containing two space missions they were to research, along with some QR codes which linked to useful websites they could use. We also had a set of useful links posted on our Yammer page and could use our own or the schools devices to access these.

Most teams decided to share the work between them, researching a different mission each and then sharing their findings with each other. Next, we began to rehearse our news reports, utilising the skills we have been developing in drama, and, finally, we filmed them. So fasten your seat belts and prepare for lift off as we blast you into the past on a journey through space travel…