Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

P5 Bowling

Rain couldn’t stop play for Mid Calder Primary School’s young bowlers on Thursday. Weather conditions meant that a planned trip to the local bowling club was switched to the school gym hall instead but that didn’t lessen the enthusiasm or enjoyment for the youngsters, who have been undergoing bowling sessions held by Mid Calder Bowling Club.

The bowling club are keen to start a junior section when the new outdoor season starts next May.
And they are also looking for sizeĀ 00 bowls, to allow juniors to play in competitions. Anyone able to donate a set should contact Jim White at 01506 880412 or 07766 834 491.

The Mid Calder pupils enjoyed this afternoon’s indoor session, but are still looking forward to a trip to the outdoor green in May.

Thank you to Mr Anderson for coming to take our photos.

Exciting Lessons in Mid Calder 2017-18 by Miss Brolls


This year I am excited to beĀ teaching Health and Well-being, Art and Design and French subjects across the school and in Term 1 we will have different areas of focus across early, first and second levels.Ā 

In HWB we are looking at the overarching themesĀ of personal well-being and thinking about who we are and what are our special skills and uniqueĀ abilities. InĀ doing this we will develop confidence in speaking and listening during Circletime and role play. We are learning to talk about our emotions and how these make us feel and behave.Ā This has tied in with our Art and Design and our self-portraits in charcoal and other portraits when we looked closely at ourselves. Thereafter we will discuss friendships Ā asking questions such as what makes a good friend and how we can help others and show acts of kindness. When we are talking about social health we will be looking at what we are good at and how we can develop our self-esteem and confidence in the class and into the community. Overall we will be thinking about the links between thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

In Art and Design we are going to focus on Drawing and Painting this term. We are learning to use different drawing tools to encourage pupilsĀ toĀ draw people accurately. At the early stage this may be a few details but into theĀ second level these portraitsĀ are increasingly accurate with many details and correct proportions. We will also look at Picasso’s abstract portraits and his use of colour. We will look at modernĀ Scottish artists such as Joan Eardley, Paolozzi and the Scottish ColouristsĀ but also classical artists like Rembrandt and Vermeer.Ā P6 will go on a visit for the day on the 12thĀ of SeptemberĀ to Jupiter Sculpture parkland and participate in a workshop based on Andy Goldsworthy. See for ideas to extend knowledge about the artist and other Land Artists. In looking at colour we will start by experimenting with primary colours (red, blue and yellow) and then colour mixing, making many tones or tints of a colour usingĀ white. By first level the children will explore colour wheels and ontoĀ using colour to reflect mood and then the use of texture in colour. If we have any artist parents willing to come in to help work with children and/or talk about what they do that would be much appreciated. Art will be taught by the Class Teachers in P2, P5C and P7. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR CHILD HAS A PAINTING TOGS TO PROTECT THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORMS ESPECIALLY AS WE START TO EXPLORE PAINT AND INKS!

In French the P1s will listen to songs and play games and gradually build up their vocabulary and what they can say. They will learn about Paris and France and differences in school life and breakfast. We will start with Greetings and Classroom Talk. Further up the school we will start at First Level with an extended vocabulary ofĀ greetings and talk in class and try to use the language we have learnt in class everyday talk. The full vocabulary for First Level Greetings and Classroom Talk will follow in another blog post. I shall also add useful language apps and websites but theĀ bbc Primary Languages websiteĀ is a good starting point for now to listen to how the French sounds. Theo brought in some Tin-tin comics and we shared this classic French comic strip books in class. Again, any native French speakers who can come in to help would be made very welcome.

Au revoir,

Miss Brolls, NCCT 2017/18

Life in P5a

All of the children have got off to a great start over the past few weeks and have settled well into the routines of P5. We have been building our class community and getting to know each other a bit better. One of the first things that we had to do was decide on what theme we wanted for our class charter and we all decided on a ‘cinema’ theme, I think you will agree that it turned out fantastically, we then had to decide on what the most important children’s rights were that we wanted to respect within our classroom, not only did we discuss what ones were relevant within our classroom but we also spoke about what we could do within our class to respect these rights. We have all signed out class contract and can’t wait for a happy and successful year in P5a.

In our class we also have our ‘Class Shout Out Wall’ where if someone feels that somebody is doing a fabulous job or if someone has helped you, we can write a compliment on a post it and place it on someones ‘face’…….. It’s ok we got everyone to draw a self portrait for the wall so no-one will be coming home covered in post-its! The wall seems to be covered in post-its on a daily basis as we have such a great class where everyone is kind and helps each other.

We are all looking forward to the next year in P5a.

Miss Anderson & P5a


P6 Class Charter and Blogging

Primary 6 have been very busy over the last couple of weeks. We have spent a lot of time creating a class charter and we have also learned how to write a blog post. Here is Leah’s post all about our charter. Please comment to let us know what you think.

Over the year, various pupils from the class will have a chance to contribute to the P6 blog and keep you all updated on what we are learning.


P2 Class Charter

Primary 2 have been very busy over the last 2 weeks, working together to plan and create our Class Charter. We took part inĀ lots of discussions with partners, and in small groups to share our ideas about what we wanted toĀ include. We consideredĀ how we could include some aspects Ā of the Rights of A Child as well asĀ our School Values. Finally, after enjoying one of the Elmer stories by David McKee, we decided on a theme to display our ideas.

Hopefully, as we continue our journey through Primary 2, our Charter will help us, and remind us how to work together to ensure our classroom is a safe, happy and productive place to be.

P1W’s Class Charter

Primary 1W have had a fun and busy start to the first two weeks of term, getting to know each other and focusing on the book ā€œThe Rainbow Fishā€ by Marcus Pfister. We enjoyed participating in many activities around the key themes of the book, such as friendship, being kind and sharing.


We have used our learning to help us build our class charter, linked to our school values and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We each chose a colourful scale to draw a picture of ourselves on and to add to our class rainbow fish.

We decided together that in P1W we will:

  • Share
  • Be Safe
  • Learn
  • Listen
  • Try our best
  • Play
  • Express our ideas
  • Be kind

P7/6 Class Charter

This week in Primary 7/6 we have been extremely busy creating our Class Charter. We started by looking at The United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child and decided which ones were most important to us within the classroom. We selected four Rights which include:

Article 16
You have the right to privacy.

Article 28
You have the right to a good quality education.
You should be encouraged to go to school to
the highest level you can.

Article 29
Your education should help you use and develop
your talents and abilities. It should also help
you learn to live peacefully, protect the environment
and respect other people.

Article 31
You have the right to play and rest.

From our rights, we created a Class Charter to follow in the class. Some of our rules include:

We will listen the opinions of others and respect other people’s property.
We will take on our roles within the school seriously.
We will always try our best and celebrate our achievements.
We will be kind and support each other.

To demonstrate these rights, we created a freeze frame to show what our rules should look like. We had a lot of fun acting these out. We look forward to you coming into our classroom and seeing our Class Charter.

Life of P7

During the first two weeks in P7 we have been working on our House Captain Election presentations. It has been a lot of fun, creating our own posters to put around the school, making videos and having fun when we were doing the presentations. We worked with other team mates to help them with their video, Powerpoint and speeches. We were nervous but we all really enjoyed it. We were all very supportive of each other and we are looking forward to celebrating the results at assembly.

We are very excited about the start of a new year in P7. This week we created our P7 Class Charter and we have been working hard to follow it throughout the week. We hope this will help us have a successful and enjoyable P7.