Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

What shall we have for snack today?

We searched the nursery garden and found the rhubarb patch. It was quite hard pulling up the stalks but we managed. Chop, chop, choppity chop, chop off the bottom and chop off the top. Staight into the pot for cooking. Now for the topping, lots of butter and flour then spread it evenly over the fruit. Now into the oven. The best bit mmmmmmmm. We are discovering where food comes from as we choose, prepare and taste different foods.

After making snack children have the opportunity to check on the weather situation and update the calendar. Todays chefs completed the task to a high standard.


Primary 6 break a Guinness World Record

On Thursday 2nd June, Primary 6 pupils traveled to the Almondvale football stadium to participate in a world record attempt.

The attempt was to break the record for the largest Djembe drum ensemble, sustained for five minutes.

After working very hard in our music workshops, we arrived to sit in the front two rows, in our purple baseball caps.  We practiced the different sections and fills.  The noise in the stadium was incredible with over 400 pupils all playing the different rhythms at the same time!

We had lots of pictures and video clips taken from a variety of places, including a drone cam!

After a tense few minutes while the stewards collated their information, Anna from “Officially Amazing” announced to the excited audience that we had broken the world record and sustained the performance for 6 minutes 20 seconds!

We were delighted!  What an amazing experience and we are really looking forward to displaying our certificate proudly in our school.

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(Thank-you to the parents/carers who were able to come along to the event to support us!)