Category Archives: Outside of School

Term 2: Achievement Assembly

On Friday we had our second Achievement Assembly of this session. Each class nominated one pupil to receive the Achievement Award for their class and parents and carers were invited along to watch the assembly.

We also gave out Star Writer Awards, Top Scorer prizes and announced the winning house for the term.

Well done who everyone who received an award!

Term 2 Star Writers
Term 2 Star Writers
Calderwood: Term 2 House Winners
Calderwood: Term 2 House Winners

P4 visit the Chocolate Factory! Our visit to Getting Gooey.


As part of our topic based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, P4 enjoyed a very tasty visit to Getting Gooey in Livingston.

During our project, the children have worked in groups to design a chocolate product based on market research which they conducted around school. Today the product design turned into reality as the children tried their hand at chocolate design and demolished the remaining chocolate! Great fun was had by all.

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Torch Light Procession

On Saturday night, some of the pupils from Primary 1-3 braved the weather to come and sing some of their nativity songs at the Kirk of Calder Parish Church. They sounded fantastic and there was a real sense of community spirit shown by the number of people who came along to attend the service and to support them.

Magical Mediators @ Scottish Mediation Conference

Six of our Magical Mediators were invited along to the Scottish Mediation Conference on Friday. It was a school trip with a difference, as we had to get two trains in order to get to Queen Margaret University, and our day started at 7:45am, some of us felt a little sleepy!

We managed to fit in some numeracy work, as we had to calculate how much money we needed at the shop, and we used our prior learning to calculate the duration until our train arrived. We bumped into Carol Hope our Peer Mediation trainer at the platform at Waverly and we got the train to Musselburgh together.

First of all we listened to a keynote from Kenneth Kressel from the Psychology of Mediation. Some of it was a litte bit difficult to understand but it allowed us to reflect on what time of mediator we are. It also was our first time in a huge lecture theatre (and university).

We then attended a workshop with Mediator Magician Nick Patel (who has worked with the famous Magician Dynamo). He reminded us of all the important skills and knowledge we need to be a mediator, while showing us some tricks. In the second workshop we discussed the challenges and solutions to peer mediation being sustainable in our schools, here we had the opportunity to share our magical mediators story and learn from other schools.

On the way home we reflected on the day, some of us thought it was ‘The best day ever!’. Our next steps are to share this event with the other magical mediators and discuss as a group how we can develop the magical mediators service. A big thank you to Roxan and Carol for inviting us to this event, and to our parents for dropping us at the train station. Miss Burton said we demonstrated excellent communication skills and that we represented MCPS in a positive way.



Roxan the  Peer Mediation Network Coordinator send an email to say:

So glad to hear your pupils enjoyed it – it was such a great, positive day! Your pupils were all so lovely, clever, motivated, and talented and it was our pleasure to have them there. Nick was also very very impressed with the peer mediators, and said it reflects very well on their teachers and trainers! The rest of the conference delegates were also delighted with the presence of the young people. Overall, it was a very happy day! Thank you so much for joining us.

P1 P1/2 and P2 visit Deep Sea World

Primary 1, 1/2 and 2 had a wonderful trip to Deep Sea World on Tuesday 16th June. We saw seals being fed, learnt all about Star fish and sea anemones and even got to handle them at a special class. We would like to thank all the parents who came along and helped out. We had a fantastic time!

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Term 4 Achievement Awards

Yesterday we had our Achievement Assembly for Term 4. Each class nominated one pupil to receive the Achievement Award for their class. Parents and carers were invited along to watch the assembly.

We also gave out Star Writer Awards, Top Scorer prizes, sporting trophies and announced the winning house for the term. The school was also awarded a certificate for our continued support for the Smoke Free Home and Zones project.

Well done who everyone who received an award!

Responsible Roles: Magical Mediator Training Day 2

Today was Day 2 of our Magical Mediators training programme to prepare us for our Responsible Roles when we go into Primary 7. We returned to St. Ninian’s Primary School and we completed lots of different tasks to prepare us for the role. We also made action plans, we will meet with Miss Burton to put these plans into place for the next school year.

A big thank you to St. Ninan’s for hosting the training and we hope to have a Magical Mediator Debrief session in November to check up on how everyone is getting on in their new role. Also thank you to our trainer Carol from the Scottish Mediation Network.
