All posts by Miss Burton

P1 Learning Letter: Term 1 & Meet the Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 of Primary 1. I hope you all had a relaxing summer break. In school we are looking forward to a busy and exciting term. Over the first few weeks we have been working hard to establish a positive and effective classroom ethos. This has included getting to know each other, and creating our own Community Contract, which helps pupils, staff and visitors to understand how the school values and children’s rights are respected within our classroom.

Miss Prior and Mrs Walker

Learning Letter P1 T1

Meet the Teacher

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended Meet the Teacher tonight. If you were unable to attend all the presentations are now available on the blog.

Thank you to the house and vice captains who welcomed our guests, acted as tour guides and helped you to complete the evaluations – if you would like to complete an online evaluation, please do so here.

P4 Learning Letter: Term 1 & Meet the Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 4. All of the children have settled well into P4 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. So far, the children have participated in a community building fortnight where we have been getting to know each other, creating our community contract and becoming familiar with our new class routines. We also had a mini focus on our school aim of developing our skills and celebrating achievements. We have begun our new IDL context for learning, Dinosaurs, and are looking forward to our class trip to the National Museum of Scotland.

Miss Clark

Learning Letter P4 Term 1

P2 Learning Letter: Term 1 & Meet the Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 1 in Primary 2. All of the children have settled well into P2 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. So far, the children have participated in a community building fortnight where we have been getting to know each other, creating our community contract and becoming familiar with our new class routines. We also had a mini focus on our school aim of developing our skills and celebrating achievements. We have begun our new IDL context for learning, Dinosaurs, and are looking forward to our class trip to the National Museum of Scotland.

Mrs Smith

Learning Letter P2 Term 1

Mid Calder Primary Wins National Award for Excellence in Digital Teaching and Learning

Wednesday 6th September – Mid Calder Primary and Nursery School have gained national ‘Digital School’ status for excellence in digital technology in teaching and learning.

The Digital Schools Award recognises the dedication and innovation shown by Mid Calder Primary in areas of leadership and vision, digital technology for learning and teaching, school culture, professional development and resources and infrastructure.

22 primary schools from cities and towns across Scotland were recognised for their work on digital technology in the classroom at a special presentation ceremony.

Recognised by Education Scotland and supported by HP, Microsoft and Intel, the award is designed to encourage and recognise schools that make the best use of digital technology in the classroom.

Shirley-Anne Somerville, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science, said: “This programme positively impacts upon pupils’ motivation to learn as well as recognising achievement by teachers and schools in advancing the integration of technology in the classroom. I commend all the primary schools receiving their digital schools award on their great achievement.”

Depute Head Teacher, Sarah Burton, of Mid Calder Primary, West Lothian said: “The Digital Schools programme offered our  school a supportive structure to evaluate our digital learning journey and where we needed to go.”

“It has also enabled our Technical Troopers pupil group, to take on a valuable leadership opportunity within our school. We are very proud of how digital learning is embedded in our school from nursery to primary 7, and this award was a chance to celebrate this work and share with others.”

Mid Calder Primary in West Lothian is now among 43 Scottish primary schools from across Scotland that are recognised for excellence in digital teaching and learning