All posts by Miss Sherlow

The Great Mid Calder Bake Off

This week, the whole school community got their baking hats on to take part in the first Mid Calder Bake Off. A group of invited judges had a very tough job on their hands choosing the winners and runners up in each category, as the standard was exceptionally high. A huge well done to all who took part and supported this event, and a big thank you to our guest judges. We certainly have some talented bakers in our midst. The Great British Bake Off, here we come…

Our worthy winners were:


Safer Internet Day in P5


Learning Intention: We are learning how to stay safe online

Success Criteria: I can discuss the positive aspects of the internet and how I use it to help me learn

I can discuss the problems/dangers I might face online and how I might overcome these

I can create a poster to give hints and tips about how to stay safe online

To celebrate Safer Internet Day 2016, Primary 5 have been exploring some of the positive and negative aspects of the internet. We shared how we use the internet to help us with our learning, as well as using it to play online games and to stay in touch with our friends. We then discussed the dangers we might face when using the internet, and some of the ways we might overcome those to keep ourselves safe. We watched a video that highlighted the importance of keeping personal details about ourselves private online, and making sure that we only share information and pictures with the people we know and trust.  We then used this to help us to create a poster about online safety. We entered these posters into a West Lothian competition with the hope of being chosen to have our poster used to promote internet safety across the authority.

We also looked at Safer Internet Day’s campaign, ‘Play your part and share a heart.’ We discussed the issue of cyber bullying and how this can affect people, then decided to go on our school blog and #shareaheart by saying nice things about the learning and achievements in our school. At home, we also decided to share gifts with our friends on Sumdog, help each other to advance in games on Xbox, and we posted positive comments on a variety of different websites to make people feel good.

How will you play your part and #shareaheart to make the internet a nicer place?