The Lion King Junior

What a week for Primary 4 and Primary 5! On Tuesday evening, Wednesday afternoon and Thursday night, the children put on the show of a lifetime for their parents, carers, friends, family members and invited guests, and each time the audience was blown away by their talent. They showed true determination, dedication and enthusiasm throughout the 8 weeks of rehearsals and pulled everything together for three incredible shows to demonstrate their amazing skills. A huge well done to all of the cast and backstage crew for putting on a phenomenal production.

A big thank you to Linda Matthews who took photographs of our Tuesday night performance, and to Eddie Anderson who filmed our Thursday evening show. You can see the photographs that Eddie took here:

A DVD copy of the show will be given to each family before the end of term.

3 thoughts on “The Lion King Junior”

  1. Wow! What can I say boys and girls, you were amazing! Months ago when we were talking about a middle area show, your teachers and I came up with the idea of The Lion King, and now you have made that dream into reality! You have been enterprising and raised all funds yourself to pay for the license and even produce a DVD. I love how every one had their own unique role from acting to backstage, lighting to front of house. You designed and made all the promotional materials and scenery yourselves. I am very proud of you all, and I know your families are too. A big thank you to Miss Sherlow, Miss Prior, Mrs Campbell, Ms Richmond and Mrs Combe for leading and supporting you – with great enthusiasm. You are inspiring role models for our whole school community, a huge well done!!

  2. What a fantastic performance by all the boys and girls of p4 and p5 and a massive well done to all the staff involved.
    One of the best shows I have ever seen!
    I enjoyed watching all the hard work put in by the children over the weeks leading up to the show, the scenery was fantastic and I especially loved hearing the children practice the songs.
    What a great achievement and I was thrilled that I had the chance to watch the show on Tuesday .
    Well done everyone!

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