Magical Mysteries in Art in P5C and P5A

Master Printmaker Nick Devison ran a workshop for the P5s on Burns Day and what a magical event it was. We had worked on Pressprinting and how to make a clean, clear print and Nick showed us how to develop our skills and play with the materials showing developing skill using line, shape and texture (EXA 2.03a). P5C extended this with the addition of watercolour to their favourite artwork on the 26th.
We used a specialist safe etching ink and experimented with cut-out shapes, making lines and creating textures with our hands, pens, cotton buds and cocktail sticks.
As you can see from the pictures we had abstract artworks which were quite mysterious as well more figurative works. P5C gave constructive comment on their own and others’work (EXA 2.07a)
Megan and Tiegan loved that they were not directed in their themes and could make as many works until the paper ran out! Megan even made a collaborative work with Annabel. Most of all the magic of turning over the monoprints to see what had been printed was the most magical thing of the morning.
It was great P5a got to find out more about the career of an artist and it was a lot of fun. Clearing up was not quite so much fun for the class teachers but nobody said learning had to be clean:-)
A HUGE thank you to Nick. It was a finale to our lessons on printmaking.

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