Maths Week Scotland in P5C

As part of Maths Week, we linked our learning with our IDL context ‘The Rainforest’ . Early in the week we were learning about where in the world the rainforests are, using maps and atlases. We were able to link this to outcomes within Shape, Position and Movement.

I can use my knowledge of the coordinate system to plot and describe the location of a point on a grid.

MTH 2-18a / MTH 3-18a

L.I. We are learning about position and movement

S.C.- I can identify an object on a map

-I can describe its location in relation to the eight compass points

-I can create a grid and give instructions for how to describe or find a position on the grid

We practised giving each other directions,  making half, quarter and full turns and relating these to angles – some people were brave enough to be blindfolded and allow others to direct them!

Using our knowledge of the eight compass points, we wrote out directions for how to get from one point on the map to another. We practised plotting and finding coordinates on a grid and this allowed us to locate places on maps when we were finding out about where the rainforests exist.

Later in the week we were able to create our own grids and plot coordinates for others to find. We have been trying to keep practising using positional language whenever we can – during our bowling session this afternoon someone commented that their bowling ball had gone a bit too far to the North West!


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