Maths week in P1W!

Learning intentions:

  • We are learning to sort, collect and display data.
  • We are learning to collect and display information.
  • We are learning about tally charts and pictographs.

Success criteria:

  • I can talk about my favourite toy and ask my P7 buddy about their favourite toy.
  • I can say what type of toy I have (category) and put a tally in the correct place on a chart.
  • I can contrast and compare our favourite toy results with the P7’s favourite toys.
  • I can answer questions about the information that I have collected and displayed.
  • I can say how I get to school and contribute to a class pictograph.

In P1W this week we have been focusing on developing our information handling skills. We have learned about tally charts and pictographs and we have been able to apply our learning to our IDL lessons on toys.

We enjoyed sharing our favourite toys with each other and hearing about our P7 buddies favourite toys as well! We created a tally chart and marked our toys in the correct area. We then did this with our P7 buddies and compared our results. We found out that in P1W we liked cuddly toys the most but our P7 buddies liked figure toys the most.

We also spoke about how we get to school each day. We collected this information and made a class pictograph chart. We then made another one electronically, using Education City, about our favourite colours.

Well done P1W!


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