P6’s Playscripts

P6 have been showing great effort and creativity this week whilst writing their own playscripts.

Learning intention – We are learning to turn a scene from a story into a playscript.

Success criteria – I can include the following features of a playscript in my writing:

  • Scene number
  • Scene title
  • Stage directions to set the scene
  • Stage directions in the present tense
  • Character names
  • Speech
  • Consistent use of capitalisation, underlined text, brackets and colons

In preparation for writing our own playscripts, we read lots of examples and highlighted their main features. We discussed how stage directions were used to set the scene and show actions. Also, we looked at how dialogue was set out differently to a story. We applied all of this knowledge to writing our own playscripts with every pupil choosing a well known story to adapt. Once we had finished our writing we spent a long time assessing each other’s work, picking out evidence that met each success criteria. It has been an enjoyable process and has enhanced our experience of reading and performing the script for ‘Alice’ the musical.

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