It’s all about the acting in P7/6!

‘Alice’ the musical is well under way and in preparation for this P7/6 have been looking at play scripts and how they differ from stories.

LI: We are learning to identify the differences between a play and a story.

SC: I can identify stage directions

I can identify dialogue.

I can confidently discuss the differences.

Pupils have been looking at a story and how this could be changed into a script. Children had to identify dialogue and stage directions then had the opportunity to write their own dialogue and stage directions and act this out in front of the class. I can safely say, we have a very talented bunch in P7/6.

All of the upper area are working very hard at the moment to perfect our performances  for the show in a few weeks time. We are very busy making props and scenery and everyone is involved. We look forward to sharing our talents with you soon.

Miss Anderson


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