Primary 7 are “acting” up a storm!

This term’s IDL focus, linking Literacy and Expressive Arts, is all about getting musical and creative with Alice in Wonderland.

In our Literacy lessons we have been learning about playscripts as a genre and how they differ from a traditional story text.

Learning Intention:

We are learning to identify the features of a playscript.

Success Criteria:

I can identify the purpose of a playscript text.

I can confidently discuss the differences between a fictional text and a script.

I can explain what stage directions, dialogue and actions are, relating them to how an actor would use them in real life.

We have begun working on Alice the Musical, our wonderful production, and are all busy learning lines, dance routines and movements and of course, tuning our voices to be able to sing the tracks.  We look forward to sharing our show with you and showing off all of the different talents we have in Mid Calder Primary!!

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