Roman jewellery is back in fashion!

LI:  We are learning to create a piece of Roman jewellery.

This week, P5a were set the challenge to design their own Roman cuff or Roman bangle.
“I used the internet to find out what the cuffs looked like and made my own.” (Scott)

The designs included a brief description of their jewellery and an explanation of the specific Roman features they included.
“I have a sword and a Roman helmet that the gladiators wore.” (Jamie)
“My Roman numerals are Roman numbers and made it more Roman.” (Freya)
“Romans who wore a lot of jewellery were rich and so mine has emeralds in it.” (Caitlin)

P5a were also keen to explain where and when the Romans may have worn their cuffs or bangles.
“At celebrations” (Niamh)
“and when at banquets.” (Leah)
“Soldiers had cuffs that protected their arms and could have had a weapon in it.” (Fraser)

Success criteria:  I can design and create a piece of Roman jewellery.

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