Dahlicious Dress Up Day

If you wandered into Mid Calder Primary School this morning, you might have seen some slightly unusual sights. Mr Willy Wonka, for example, taking the register to the office. Or Violet Beauregarde, Fantastic Mr Fox and Matilda playing spelling games. Or even an Oompa Loompa lighting a candle to celebrate advent! But, it was all for a very good cause. As Primary 5, Primary 5/4 and Primary 4 have been learning all about the life and work of Roald Dahl through their IDL context of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we decided to hold a ‘Dahlicious Dress Up Day’ to commemorate 25 years since his death. We dressed up as our favourite characters from his many fantastic novels and made a donation which will go to Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity. We raised £53.10 and we had a fantastic day full of fun and laughter.

A big well done to all those who made such a Wonkatastic effort for a very worthy and relevant cause!

2 thoughts on “Dahlicious Dress Up Day”

  1. You all looked fantastic and enjoyed taking on the role of your character.

    Roald Dahl was my favourite author when I was your age and my favourite book was George’s Marvellous Medicine. I liked the fabulous vocabulary that he used as he described the impact of the medicine on his granny.
    What is your favourite Roald Dahl book and why?

  2. Thank you so much for taking part in the Dahlicious Dress Up Day and raising money to help seriously ill children. You all look absolutely marvellous in your Roald Dahl costumes – it looks like you’ve put in a lot of effort. We hope you enjoyed dressing up and learning more about Roald Dahl and Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity and we hope to see you take part next year!

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