Maths in Primary 7/6

Learning Intention:

We are learning to talk about the different ways that money is represented and accessed (MNU 2-09a)

Success Criteria:

  • I can talk about the ways I can access money
  • I can talk about representations of money such as vouchers, credit cards, rail/pre-pay tickets
  • I can give examples of where people keep the money they have and how they access it
  • I can talk about how people earn or obtain money
  • I can talk about how to be safe with money

As part of our Young Enterprise IDL topic, we have been learning about money in real life contexts. We have been learning about what goods and services are and have been giving examples of each. We have also talked about the different types of bank cards that you can get, e.g. credit and debit cards and we learned about the differences between these. We learned about cash machines and we now know that some people call them ‘holes in the wall’ or ATM (automated teller machine) machines and that there is usually a £300 limit that you can withdraw. To help keep your money safe, everyone is given a PIN to access their money from the cashline. If you forget your PIN, the bank can send you a new one. This is to help stop fraud on your account. We also learned that if you are shopping online, it is safer to use a credit card. We talked about what cheques are and now know that they are a safe way of sending money to people as gifts because they can be cancelled if it doesn’t reach them.

Once we had a good understanding of all of these different ways to pay for things, we spilt into groups to complete our activities.

Group 1- Working with Miss Sherlow- We learned about the best ways to pay for different goods and services

Group 2- Game group- We were learning about different ways people pay for things and who might use those methods

Group 3- Sumdog Challenge

“I liked learning about credit cards because I now know the dangers and how to use them safely,” commented Ross.

“I enjoyed doing the board games because you had to explain what different money related items were and I learned about some new ones,” said Carrie.

“I enjoyed giving advice about how to safe with money because we got to use our previous knowledge to help us,” added Abbie.

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