The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

April 23, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 23.4.20 :)

Hi all,

It is lovely to see all the learning you are doing at home.  I can’t wait to see more.

Miss Duncan and i have been very impressed with all your pictures you have been sending us as we have been missing you.  Miss Duncan came up with a great idea, if you put all of your pictures of all your activities and learning on the wider achievement section (tab at top) of your online learning journals we can comment back to you individually so we can keep in contact with you all.  I would love to see what you have been up to at home everyday.

Here is your learning grid.

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 23.4.20

Remember for everyone who hasn’t voted on what they want to make the school better, you have until the end of the day today to vote.  This is the link to all the information.

Extra ideas – Here is a picture of all the tasks you can do which are everyday tasks that involve learning.

Miss Brown😁

Here are the sheets for today’s grid if you do not have your home learning pack.  Just copy and complete.

April 22, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Construction Challenge Gallery







April 22, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Construction Challenge Gallery

Hi everyone,

I have received some fab photos and even a video of  all your great construction creations this week. I would love to share these with the class but I just need to make sure that you are all happy for me to share these on our class blog page?

So if you have sent a photo or video of yourself to me via email can you confirm you are happy for me to share these on our class page ?

Going forward from today, I will share the photos  you send to our class blog page, unless you ask me not to in your email.

Thank you

Mrs McDonnell

April 22, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning activities

Good Morning everyone,

Hope you are all staying well and looking forward to another learning day? It was really exciting to hvae some photos sent by Poppie and Callum of the boats they made. Callum even sent a great photo of the musical instrument he made  yesterday. I was very impressed. Keep up the great work P3 and feel free to send me photos via the school website or chat to me by commenting on the Blog. It really makes my day when I hear from you.

I have included a writing task today. It is revision of a recount so should not be difficult. I don’t want your writing skills to be forgotten so give it a go and see what you can create.

early-years-grid-14 P3-Wednesday 23rd April

Can you also all have  a think as to what 3 things you would most like to see in school next year

Please speak it over with and adult and decide then vote by Thursday 23rd April to let us know.

The choices are 1) More Computers

2) New Paintings in the playground

3) Lunch time clubs

4) More Playground Equipment

5) Bigger Chairs

6) P.E kits

7) New signs for the school

8) Homework packs for children to take home

Choose which 3 you most want and ask someone to help you comment so I know what you would like and your vote will count. Mrs Clayton kindly posted the vote information to the blog for the whole infant department to read if anyone needs more information about it- Take a look and comment on the post called: All P1-P3 classes. Thank you

April 22, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – Wednesday 22nd April

Hello everyone,

Below is today’s learning grid! For your maths task today we are going to look at telling the time on the clock. We only looked at this briefly so don’t panic about it! I’ve attached a link to a Jack Hartmann video that explains about different parts of the clock. Once you get the hang of it there are two more videos that can be used to practice telling the time for o’clock and half-past! The worksheet attached can either be printed or complete in your jotter by writing the question number that I’ve written on the worksheet and then the ansewer beside it.

Secondly, Mrs Clayton has put a blog post up for all of the infant classes. We would like everyone to read through the choices on the blog post titled ‘All P1-3 Classes’  and if you could please leave me a message on this post to tell me which three things you would like to vote for. Every vote counts 🙂

Lastly, if you are engaging in the daily tasks I’d love to hear from you, even a quick hello comment on this post would be great as well as your vote!

Thank you,

Miss Duncan 🙂

day 3

P.s. I’ve made another little video for ‘Milk and Story Time’ today! It’s one of our favourites with a little surprise at the end! I hope you enjoy!

April 22, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 22.4.20 :)


Hope you are all learning loads at home.  Here is today’s learning grid.

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 22.4.20

We have a little extra task today.  The link to the blog post below will explain it fully.  I need all the children in my class to vote on the options given on what they would like to make the school better.  Can you post your answer in the comments on this post please.

All Primary 1 – 3 classes

Miss Brown also took part in the Joe Wicks workout yesterday.  Hopefully get the video clips up soon but trying to sort out copyright issues.

Miss Brown 🙂

April 22, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Wednesday 22nd April

Good morning P3/2.

Below is today’s learning grid.  We are going to start a new topic looking at how life has changed in the last 100 years and I know lots of you are going to enjoy learning about that.  I also have a writing challenge for you today which is similar to the ‘would you rather….’ questions that we did in December.  Take your time and have a good think about your answer to today’s writing.

Wednesday 22nd April

I also have an extra request today.  Miss McLaren needs as many people as possible to vote on some ideas to make the school even better.  Have a look at the post here and ask an adult to comment with your choices at the bottom of this post.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Mrs Clayton

April 22, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

All Primary 1 – 3 classes

This morning we need everyone’s help with a little task.

Some of Primary 6 were asked before the school closed to think about what they would like to do to make the school better.  They had lots of wonderful suggestions but below are the top ones.

We would like everyone in Primary 1 – 3 to read through the list with an adult and choose the 3 things they would like most in school.  Ask your adult to add a comment to your class post for today to tell your teacher which three things you would choose.  They can just write the numbers.  

We would love as many of you as possible to give us your answers so we can see what is most popular across the whole school.  Please leave your comment by Thursday 23rd April. 

The choices are:

  1.  More computers
  2.  New paintings in the playgrounds
  3.  Lunch Clubs – including homework, board games and reading clubs.
  4.  More playground equipment
  5.  Bigger Chairs
  6.  PE kits
  7.  New signs for the school
  8.  Homework packs for children to take home

Remember you can only choose three and ask your adult to comment with the numbers on today’s class post.

Thank you.

April 22, 2020
by User deactivated

Primary 2 – 22nd April

Good morning Primary 2.

Hope you’ve had a super holiday, and are enjoying being back at your learning.

Today’s grid has some handwriting, a shape challenge, some PE and an art activity for you to try out.  Hope you enjoy them!

22_4_20 grid

The shape challenge is on this sheet:  Shape Garden Challenge

And don’t forget to choose your 3 favourite options for new things you’d like to see in school.  Post your 3 numbers in the comments section to make your vote count!

Mrs Macpherson

April 21, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Construction Challenge

Thank you Callum for sending me a great photo of you and your musical instrument. I bet it did make a lot of noise. Looks like you enjoyed playing it and had lots of fun. Did Cameron and Liam join in?

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