The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

April 24, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell
1 Comment

P3 Learning Activities

Morning everyone,


Hope you are all well and looking forward to our learning activities today. The sun is shining so hopefully you can play out in the garden this afternoon or go out for a walk to stay active. Thank you to everyone who voted yesterday. I will be sending Miss McLaren our responses this morning. Thank you for all your pictures you have been sending me and for the videos too. I love seeing all your fabulous work and your smiling faces.

Have a good weekend

Mrs McDonnell


April 24, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – Friday 24th April

Good morning P1,

Hope everyone has had a good week of learning so far! Below is today’s learning grid! I have been looking at the daily phonics lesson videos that I was posting before the holidays and they have been back up and running! They, again, look at a different sound each day but now there are additional short lessons on reading words and spelling. I think this would be a great way to keep your sounds fresh in your memory and a fab way to practice your sound skills to blend them together and read them. Below is the schedule for this every morning Monday – Friday:

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds 9.30 am (BST)
  • Set 1 Word Time 9.45 am
  • Set 1 Spelling 10.00 am

I will post the link to the video daily as of Monday so we can get back into the swing of things, just a heads up!

Lastly, Royal Bank of Scotland have teamed up with a Scottish primary teacher and have organised to co-host MoneySense Monday sessions via Facebook. It begins on this coming Monday and I’ve attached some info about it below! Just another heads up (lots of info for a Friday haha). But I will remind everyone on Monday as well!

Thats all from me, thank you,

Miss D 🙂

day 5


April 24, 2020
by Mrs Clayton
1 Comment

P3/2 – Friday 24th April

Good morning P3/2,

Happy Friday and what a quick first week back this has been.

Thank you to everyone who voted on the poll about the changes to the school.  I have added up all your votes and will pass those on to Miss McLaren today.

Below is your learning grid for today.  Remember that you have a reading book to look at on active learn so if you haven’t read your book yet please try to do that today and click the green bug to answer the questions.   There is more advice on using the reading books on active learn here Bug Club books.

Friday 24th April

Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe.

Mrs Clayton.

April 24, 2020
by Miss Fleming

P2 Friday 24th April

Good morning P2!

I hope you’ve had a great week.

Here is today’s learning grid:

24th April grid pdf

Here is a link to a surprise story for milk and story time. Is there anything familiar about the storyteller?

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Fleming 🙂

April 23, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell
1 Comment

P3 Construction Challenge

Hi everyone, thank you so much for your continued hard work with your daily learning grid. I am so impressed at the time and the efforts some of you have gone to to make your construction challenges so fabulous.

All of them have been amazing and it is clear you are working so hard with the help of mums, dads and your brother and sisters at home. Keep up the great effort as all of these challenges provide rich STEM learning which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. These challenges provide numerous learning opportunities including problem solving, design, team work and also help you to develop your communication and literacy skills through listening and talking plus sequencing the steps you have taken to be successful.

I am so proud of you for continuing to be successful learners even in the most challenging of circumstances, well done.

Here are some of your latest fabulous creations. Sorry they are not upright, it’s just they way they seem to upload.


Thanks for re sending this for us. Your Robot is great Callum. I love it’s cheeky face and the name is so appropriate right now. Well done. Thank Cameron for helping with the voice.

I’ve been sent some more photos to join our gallery. Thank you, these are great photos and I love your robot. It’s good to hear from you.



April 23, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Good Morning, I hope you are all well and I’m glad that so many of you have been in touch to show me your pictures of your completed Construction Challenge. Remember that if you send me pictures or videos then I will be sharing them to our P3 Blog page unless you ask me not to.

Maths- I have asked you to play games on the SplashLearn website. These games are set in different grades (American style). We are mostly going to revise Grade 2 work although we may also cover some Grade 1 games as revision. It would be easier if an adult can log you on to this site by creating a username and password for you. It is free to join. The games are fantastic and will allow you to practise all the topics we need to cover. We will still use Sumdog at times too and you should continue to play on Sumdog when you can for extra practise.

early-years-grid-15 P3-THURSDAY 24th April

If you have not voted yet to say what you would like to see in school next year then can you go to the  infant page on the blog (posted by Mrs Clayton) and choose which 3 numbers you would like or comment on our blog page.

Have a great day

Mrs McDonnell

April 23, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – 23rd April

Hello P1,

Below is today’s learning grid! It’s Thursday already, time is flying and I’m sure that by next Monday we will all be back into some sort of routine. Thank you to those who have posted their votes on yesterday’s blog. If you’ve not managed to do so yet it would be great to hear your thoughts! If you go to the blog post titled ‘All 1-3 classes’ linked below, you will see the options to vote for, if you could pick three!

All Primary 1 – 3 classes

Thank you for your hard work and if you would like to show me any of your work please post it in the wider achievement section of your learning journal – I would love to see what you have been up to!

Miss D 🙂

day 4

April 23, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Thursday 23rd April

Good morning everyone,

I hope everyone is keeping safe and feeling well.

Below is the grid with today’s work.  Next week we are going to start a new topic in maths so I am going to hopefully make some videos to help us learn about it.  I think I have a busy day ahead!

Thursday 23rd April

Some people have been adding photographs of their work to their online learning journals and this means I can see what you have been doing and leave you a comment about it.  If you would like to do this then ask an adult to go to the ‘wider achievements’ tab at the top of the page and they can upload a photo and you can tell me what you have been doing.  Some people have sent me pictures of their writing or other tasks they have completed and some people have used it to tell me about other things they have been doing at home.  I will keep checking the journals at least once a day and I hope to hear from some of you.  I have also been updating your journals with some of the work that you did in class last term so try to have a look at that too.

Finally thank you to everyone who voted on the school changes vote yesterday.  If you haven’t done so yet can you please try to do it today.  I would love as many people to have their say as possible.  The post is here.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Mrs Clayton


April 23, 2020
by Miss Fleming

P2 23rd April

Good morning P2!

I hope you are enjoying your first week back.

Here is today’s learning grid:

23rd April Grid pdf

Here is additional information about Number Talks to help with today’s numeracy work:

Number Talks PDF

I hope you have a great day and please let me know if you need anything.

Miss Fleming 🙂

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